How to delete an expired SSL certificate in cPanel

  1. Login to cPanel by going to or
  2. Scroll down until you find the SSL/TLS icon.
  3. Go to Certificates (CRT) section and click on the link below
  4. Scroll down until you find the domain name with the certificate you wish to delete. To the right you will see a link labeled Delete. Click on this link to complete the deletion.
  5. In order to completely remove the certificate click on Return to the SSL Manager at the bottom of the page. Then click on Manage SSL Sites.
  6. Next, you need to find the URL that you’re trying to remove the SSL certificate from. To the right you’ll see the option for Uninstall. Click on Uninstall and you’ll get a warning saying that this is a permanent change. Confirm it and the certificate will be removed from the domain. You can then verify by testing the URL in a browser.
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